Browsing Articles by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 54
Abangan Muslims, Javanese Worldview, and Muslim–Christian Relations in Indonesia
(Transformation, 2020-10)One of the many faces of Islam in Indonesia is the abangan Muslims or the abangans. As one of the most populous Muslim groups in the country, it is important to know them. To understand Indonesian Islam or Muslims, one ... -
Antara Panteisme dan Kekristenan
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman Edisi Perdana, 1984)Colin Chapman berpendapat bahwa banyak ahli teologia dalam abad 20 ini telah dipengaruhi oleh agama-agama timur, yang memiliki dasar asumsi dari pandangan panteisme. Sekalipun mereka mengatakan bahwa mereka tidak meninggalkan ... -
Antara Politeisme dan Monoteisme
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman Edisi Perdana, 1984) -
Apakah Belajar Teologia Itu Berbahaya?
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman v. 7, no. 1, 1992)Beberapa waktu yang lalu seorang rekan kerja menceritakan bahwa ia menghadiri sebuah KKR (Kebaktian Kebangunan Rohani) yang dilayani oleh seorang pendeta yang dulunya adalah penyanyi. Di dalam KKR itu sang pendeta, pada ... -
Arah, tujuan dan komitment dalam merdeka belajar
(LP2M STT SAAT, 2021) -
Baptisan dan Kepenuhan Roh
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman v. 3, 1988) -
Baptisan Ulang : Isu Teologis yang Miring
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman v. 6 no. 2, 1991)Sepanjang sejarah gereja, masalah baptisan terus diperdebatkan, bahkan mengakibatkan perpecahan seperti Anabaptis dengan Reformed. Problem baptisan yang dipertentangkan menyangkut dua segi yaitu, konsepsi dan praktika. ... -
The book of Judges as prophetic : a reconsideration of the book's purpose
(Calvin Theological Seminary, 2000) -
A Christian Understanding and Approach of Islam in Indonesia
(Stulos Theological Journal v. 3, no. 2, 1995)Today we live in a world where the Muslims have become so visible. Years ago people tend to associate the Muslim world with such words as oil, desert, camels, Mecca, Holy War, and the Middle East. With the spirit of ... -
The Cleansing of the Temple : An Analysis of the Intention of Jesus
(Stulos Theological Journal v. 1, no. 1, 1993)Jesus’ cleansing of ihe Temple is probably one of his most puzzling actions reported in the Gospels. It is difficult to determine if Jesus went to Jerusalem with the intention of purifying the Temple, or whether he decided ... -
Depolarisasi Sikap Kristen Terhadap Agama-Agama Lain : Suatu Analisis Terhadap Inklusivisme Clark H. Pinnock
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman v. 16 no. 1, 2001)Salah satu dari sepuluh trend baru memasuki milenium ketiga adalah kebangkitan agama-agama/' Ini berarti bahwa gereja tidak dapat eksis dalam kesendirian, sebaliknya ia sedang dan selalu akan berhadapan dan berinteraksi ... -
Dialog Tentang T.U.L.I.P.
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman v. 8, no. 1, 1993) -
Eksposisi Daniel 9
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman v. 5 no. 1, 1990) -
Esensi dan Relevansi Teologi Reformasi
(Reformed Institute Press, 2000) -
Filantropi Kristen : Suatu Tinjauan dari Alkitab Tentang "Si Lemah"
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman v. 6 no. 2, 1991) -
Gerakan Kharismatik : Gerakan Transendentalisasi?
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman v. 1, 1986) -
Gereja, Kepemimpinan, dan Kesenjangan Antar Generasi
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman v. 8, no. 2, 1993) -
Good Character Deserves Respect And Must Be The Hero! : How Chinese Women In Indonesia Perceive Syrophoenician Woman And Jesus In Mark 7.24-30
(European Journal of Science and Theology,Vol.18, No.2, pp. 41-59, 2022-04)This study focuses on the correlation between three psychological variables and how Chinese women in Indonesia perceive Jesus and the Syrophoenician woman in Mark 7.24-30 (N = 230, M age = 41.70). The three psychological ... -
Hakekat dan Kritik terhadap Teologi Kemakmuran (Dengan Eksposisi Wahyu 3:14-20)
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman v. 6 no. 1, 1991) -
Historiography of Chronicles as reflected in its account of Solomon's reign
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2010)This dissertation is a study of "intertextuality" between the books of Chronicles and Kings, focusing on the Solomon narrative. Contrary to the current scholarly conviction that Chronicles is unreliable historiography, ...